The BANALITY-19 Press Release




Edwin K. Stephens, Founder
Entrepreneur and Essential Worker

April 18, 2022


BANALITY-19 is the NOT Coronavirus or COVID-19 personal hygiene messaging company. Protect the ones you love. It’s not a moment, it’s a MOVEMENT.

BANALITY-19 is a total “Eco-System” that provides people with tools such as health care products, music, videos, posters, retail clothing and personal protection equipment (PPE) that articulates its hygiene message, “Protect the ones you love” as a way to mitigate and safely navigate the deadly spread of the Coronavirus or COVID-19.

On 4/10/22, Ms. Emily Anthes, a reporter for the New York Times reported that Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert suggested that the rise in new U.S. Coronavirus cases in recent days is concerning but that it was not yet a cause for alarm and that officials were
monitoring it “very, very carefully.” Dr. Fauci stated the following;

“This (COVID-19) is not going to be eradicated, and it’s not going to be eliminated. And, what’s going to happen is that we’re going to see that each individual is going to have to make their calculation of the amount of risk that they want to take in going to indoor dinners and in going to functions.”

What is BANALITY-19?

BANALITY-19 is the NOT Coronavirus or COVID-19 personal hygiene messaging company. Protect the ones you love. It’s not a moment, it’s a MOVEMENT.

BANALITY-19 uses apparel to communicate and promote its public health care message to warn the general public about the spread of the deadly Coronavirus or COVID-19 through its trademark pending branded “Uniform” or “Gear.” BANALITY-19’s objective is to advocate for safe public health care protocols. The Uniform consists of a non-surgical reusable and washable cloth face mask, or a KN-95 mask, a baseball cap and a T-Shirt with the BANALITY-19 Theme Song and Advertisement Jingle on the T-Shirts back side, in addition to a 12”x18” personal hygiene messaging marketing poster. BANALITY-19 uses an 8 oz. Anti-Bacterial Moisturizing Hand Sanitizer as a key health care product to stop the spread of the Coronavirus or COVID-19.

BANALITY-19 will be Market ready for 2022

The BANALITY-19’s E-commerce website is currently under construction but we hope to officially launch and make available our health care products to the general public sometime in 2022.

BANALITY-19’s vision and target markets are the on-campus public health care facilities at the California State Colleges, State Universities, Public and Private Colleges, and the over 10,000 California neighborhood public health care facilities and clinics that are located in the predominately working class and lower income neighborhoods within the state of California.

BANALITY-19’s vision is to level the “playing field” of health inequalities for our most vulnerable citizens and population.

The U.S. Public Health Care System is in need of a radical reorganization of priorities and a clear message—“Protect the ones you love. It’s not a moment, it’s a MOVEMENT.”

I do hope that you enjoy using the BANALITY-19, 8 oz. Anti-Bacterial Moisturizing Hand Sanitizer.


Edwin K. Stephens

Edwin K. Stephens

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